Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Upgrading Grub to Grub2

This started with the Fedora 15 upgrade. Preupgrade needed +120MB in /boot, and I only had a /dev/sdc1 100MB /boot and the rest of the filesystems in LVM. GRUB2 supported /boot in LVM. So I used parts of

GRUB2 Guide from Fedora

as a guideline.

1. Installed Grub2. Tested to make sure Grub booted to Grub2 and it was still booting my F14 kernel
2. Used grub2-mkconfig and grub2-install to write the grub2 boot loader to my /dev/sdc so that I can boot directly to GRUB2 in F14. Worked successfully.
3. Created 500MB boot_lv - lvcreate -L 500M -n boot_lv /dev/rootvg
4. Unmount /boot, mount in /mnt/boot. Mount /dev/rootvg/boot_lv to /boot.

cd /boot; find ./ -xdev -print0 | cpio -pa0V /mnt/boot

5. Change fstab to point to new LVM /boot instead of the old UUID static partition /boot. Run grub2-mkconfig / grub2-install again to get updated /boot.
6. Reboot to test.

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