Monday, December 21, 2015

720p movie with black bars

Check the aspect ratio

1.78:1 - fill the entire screen
1.85:1 - small black bars at the top and bottom of the screen
2.35:1, 2.39:1, or  2.40:1 - black bars on the top and bottom of the image (common for cinematic movies) 

Starting playback...
Movie-Aspect is 2.39:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [xv] 1280x536 => 1280x536 Planar YV12 

Starting playback...
Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [xv] 1280x720 => 1280x720 Planar YV12 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Install ttf fonts in Fedora

Exit the app that you want to use the font in (Libreoffice, Gimp, etc)
Copy TTF file(s) into /usr/share/fonts directory (as root - but they need to be world readable).

As root run

fc-cache -v

Then open LibreOffice/Gimp and you'll see the font in the list.